It’s tempting to believe that when you find the right product management tool, you’ve solved all your product management problems. In reality, a tool alone does not solve your product management problems. You need a tool that fits best with your particular approach to product management. Here are some resources to help you find the tool that works best for you.
10 Best product management tools of 2021. Product management tools are software applications that help product teams carry out some or all phases of the product life cycle, from planning, researching, and developing to launching, assessing, and iterating on a product. Ben Aston describes the types of PM tools you can take advantage of when building products and overviews ten product management tools.
(via @theproductmngr)
The 8 best product roadmap tools of 2021 (free and paid). Roadmapping is a crucial part of every product manager’s role, but it’s safe to say a lot of PMs don’t particularly enjoy it. Luckily, there are some excellent product roadmap tools / planning tools out there to help make it more bearable. The folks at Userpilot describe eight tools you can use for product roadmapping.
(via @teamuserpilot)
Top 10 product management tools for 2021. It’s challenging to decide which of the many product management tools to use while managing the entire process. Should you use a suite of different product manager tools? Or should you use one product management tool that rules them all? Erica Chappell highlights ten product management tools so you can identify the one that works best for your situation.
(via @clickup)
The 11 must have tools for product managers. Product managers generally need to bridge the gap between teams and work cross-functionally with development, marketing, and support to lead teams from a product’s conception through launch. Product management tooling needs to support that gap spanning. Leeyen Rogers describes eleven tools for product managers to help you select the right one for your situation.
(via @jotform)
10 Best product portfolio management tools. Product portfolio management tools are a way to easily glance across all the products or services you and your team offer in order to better manage, organize, and analyze them. Product portfolio management software may track product growth prospects and operational risk. This helps you decide which products to grow and which to eliminate. Ben Aston helps you quickly compare and evaluate the best product portfolio management tools for managing a range of products with accuracy and ease.
(via @theproductmngr)